Academic Support or School Completion

Five Keys

Ages 18+ Bayview Hunters Point YMCA
Comprehensive education intervention and vocational planning with academic case management.
Two people smile while seated at a classroom desk, with others around them. Both have name tags and papers on the desk. Some people in the background are wearing masks.

Five Keys provides intensive and comprehensive education intervention, vocational planning, and academic case management for IPO participants. Services are delivered on-site at the IPO host sites (Arriba Juntos and Young Community Developers) and at the transitional employment worksite.

Five Keys currently partners with IPO contractors to provide IPO participants with educational assessment and basic skills training, along with high school and GED completion services. Participants are assessed at the provider site, but students must travel to an existing Five Keys campus away from their work and CBO host site.

Multiple service sites often create a barrier for participants (especially those with gang-related travel restrictions); furthermore, education under this model creates a dichotomy between vocational and educational services.


Experience has taught us that providing wraparound services post-release greatly increases the chances that inmate/students will use what they’ve learned in school to establish a positive, pro-social lifestyle.

Five Keys uses the principles and practices of Restorative Justice as a guiding philosophy for all Five Keys programs.

This program is in partnership with San Francisco Mayor’s office and Office of Economic and Workforce Development.

Most classrooms are operated in partnership with community-based organizations. When enrolling with Five Keys, we will obtain the students prior school transcripts, assess their academic strengths and needs and develop a plan to meet their academic goals.

Assessment and educational placement

for San Francisco County in conjunction With Office of Workforce Education

Career technical training (CTE) and vocational training

IPO: interrupt, predict, and organize for a safer San Francisco

Program Benefits

An elderly person with glasses sits at a table, writing on paper with a pen. Pom-pom decorations are seen in the background.

A classroom full of students, some seated and others standing, facing an instructor next to a projector screen.

Upcoming Events

Mar 27


Pour Your Support

Midway SF
March 27 at 06:00pm
Price: $150 – $500

Apr 27


Presidio Trail Run

Active Older Adults, Adults, Kids, Teens
Presidio Community YMCA
April 27 at 08:00am
Price: $10 – $70

May 03


Y for Youth Community Festival

Active Older Adults, Adults, Kids, Teens
Dogpatch YMCA at Crane Cove
May 03 at 12:00pm
Price: Free

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