Whistleblower Policy

Woman at a desk on the phone.

Our role, as stewards of our mission, demands that we – all Board and Committee Members, branch Boards of Managers, staff and program volunteers – uphold the public trust and act in an ethical manner in all of our commitments to the YMCA of San Francisco. These ethical values include integrity, openness, honesty, accountability, fairness, respect and responsibility. The YMCA is committed to the highest possible ethical standards and we encourage everyone associated with the YMCA to commit to acting in the best interest of the YMCA.

In order to facilitate open and honest communication, the YMCA has established a Code of Conduct for our employees, Board and Committee Members, branch Boards of Managers and program volunteers. We are committed to maintaining a positive, ethical work environment for all members of the YMCA.

Should any person associated with the YMCA suspect fraud, abuse or misuse of the YMCA resources or assets; encounter dishonest actions or deeds; suspect conflict of interest; experience or are aware of harassment of any kind; or any other behavior that violated the YMCA Code of Conduct, or local laws and regulations, that person has a responsibility to report the violation or suspected violation to the appropriate person or entity within the YMCA.

The YMCA will expect any report of a violation to be made in good faith, and that it is a real and legitimate concern that the reporter believes should be addressed. Anyone who reports a violation in good faith will not suffer harassment, retaliation or adverse employment consequences. Anyone who perpetuates harassment, retaliation or in any way affects the employment of a reporter will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The YMCA encourages employees and other involved parties to bring forth serious issues and concerns.

To assist the YMCA in the response to or investigation of a Complaint, the Complaint should be factual rather than speculative, and contain as much specific information as possible to allow for proper assessment of the nature, extent and urgency of the matter that is the subject of the Complaint. It is less likely that the YMCA will be able to conduct an investigation based on a Complaint that contains unspecified wrongdoing or broad allegations without verifiable evidentiary support.

The YMCA invites anyone involved in any aspect of the YMCA to report violations or suspected violations of the YMCA Code of Conduct or any applicable laws or regulations. All violations or suspected violations can be reported to the reporter’s immediate supervisor, the Volunteer coordinator, Vice President of Human Resources, the Corporate Secretary, 415-777-9622 or the Chair of the Board or Audit Committee. If a reporter wishes to remain anonymous when making a report, or as a means of informing management immediately, the reporter may call the Code of Conduct Hotline at 415-281-6790. The Code of Conduct Hotline is available to all employees, volunteers or members who wish to inform management of any concerns regarding violation of the Code of Conduct or any laws.

When a reporter contacts any one of the above, the reporter can expect that:

  • To be treated with dignity and respect
  • The communication will be protected to the greatest extent possible
  • Concerns will be seriously addressed and, if not resolved at the time of the call, the reporter will be informed of the outcome
  • He or she need not identify themselves

All reports involving a violation are treated seriously and will be fully investigated to determine the facts and resolution appropriate under the circumstance.

Please remember that there is never a penalty for bringing your concerns forward. People in a position of authority cannot stop you; if they try, they are subject to disciplinary action up to an including dismissal.

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