Youth Enrichments
0-13 Multiple locationsKeeping Children Active & Outdoors
YMCA Enrichments
YMCA Enrichments are four-week sessions that focus on physical and enrichment activities such as STEAM, Y Bike, Y Rangers and swimming.
All families are eligible to register for YMCA Enrichments. Youth must be enrolled for the full, four-week session.
Session 10: May 3-June 4
Payment #1: At registration
Payment #2: May 1
Last day to withdraw minus $50 non-refundable deposit: April 30
Sites | Grades | Enrichments | Hours | Faculty Member | Community Member |
Marin Y: Rancho Elementary School | 2-6 | Outdoor & Nature Engagement | 1-6 PM | $1,008/month | $1,288/month |
Marin Y: Wade Thomas | 2-6 | Outdoor & Nature Engagement | 1-6 PM | $1,008/month | $1,288/month |
Presidio Y: Fort Scott | K-5 | Outdoor & Nature Engagement | 2:30-5:30 PM | $1,008/month | $1,288/month |
Population | Fee |
Homeless/Foster Youth | $0 |
Free/Reduced Lunch | $220/month |
Financial Assistance | Varies per family. Please complete the financial aid application and email it to [email protected]. Allow 7 days for processing. |
All youth in grades K-5 (varies by location)
- Marin- Rancho Elementary School
- Marin- Wade Thomas Elementary School
- Presidio – Fort Scott
Each site has a maximum capacity based on the space available. We will do our best to place youth in the program of choice; but once a site reaches capacity, another site will be given.
Varies by site – K-8th
Log in to the community portal at to register.
Families will need to complete the Financial Assistance Application. You can download the application here: Financial Assistance Application Form. Upon completion, please email [email protected] the application along with any supporting paperwork. Please allow 7 days for processing.
No. You must be screened, register, and attend the full session.
There will be a waitlist – you will be contacted via email if space opens and have 24 hours to claim your space.
- Our YMCA youth development staff, all of whom have been fingerprinted, background checked, and have received additional training in Covid-19 policies and procedures
- Daily Covid-19 health screening survey to be completed by staff
- Staff will undergo daily temperature checks
- Staff will observe frequent and scheduled hand washing protocols
- Staff will wear a mask while in program
- Staff will wear gloves when assisting children
- All youth will be required to complete a daily health check at drop including a temperature check and brief wellness survey
- Immediately after check-in staff and campers will be required to wash their hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds
- Any items brought from home will also be sanitized after arrival at camp
- High volume surfaces such as doorknobs, water fountains, door handles, tables, and bathrooms will be sanitized hourly or more as needed
- Campers and staff will have hand washing scheduled after every activity
- Each youth will have their own set of supplies while at program
- Shared materials will immediately be wiped down after use
- Toys or materials that are difficult to clean (ex. playdough, stuffed animals) will not be allowed at program
- A professional cleaning company will clean and sanitize all spaces at the end of the day
- Drop off and pick up will take place at the door – no parent/guardian will be allowed to enter the facility
- One parent/guardian – one child – only one parent/guardian may drop off a child at a time.
- If multiple families arrive at once, you will be asked to wait a minimum of 6 feet for your turn in line
- Parents/guardians must wear a mask to drop off pick up
- A detailed summary of drop off/pick up will be included in your site specific welcome letter
- Groups will not exceed 12 youth
- Groups will no co-mingle
- Absences from camp will be monitored
- Program will be set up to maintain 6’ of physical distancing as much as possible
- Program activities have been modified to ensure they can be run safely and ‘touch free’
- All field trips have been canceled
- Hugging, holding hands, etc are not permitted
- Staff must wear a mask 100% of the time
- Youth 3 years and older must wear a mask 100% of the time
- If a staff or youth become sick in program they will be isolated from the group immediately
- Parent/guardian will be called for immediate pick up
- Please have an emergency contact available for immediate pick up
- Youth/staff may not return to the program until:
- They have had no symptoms for a minimum of 72 hours
- If Covid-19 symptoms exist you may be asked for a negative test to return
- Our pop-up program is only open to youth who need to attend a minimum of 4 weeks
- If you miss more than 3 days without contacting the site; you will lose your spot in the program
- Our groups need to remain static for the duration of the program; if you need to miss a week you may have to be re-screened before returning to program
- We pay for supplies and staffing and administrative costs based on the number of youth we have in program. In the case that your child becomes ill during program we can consider a partial refund.
- The $50 deposit is non-refundable under all circumstances.
- If you need to cancel; please do so by the cancellation deadline on the registration form to receive a refund minus the deposit
- If your child gets sick after the deadline and cannot attend camp please submit a doctor’s note to be considered for a partial refund
- If your child is out sick, they may not return until they have not had symptoms for 72 hours
Staff will receive daily health checks, but are not required to be tested for COVID-19.
Upcoming Events
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C Sloat – School Year 2024-25 – After School 2 Days
Feb 04
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Jose Ortega Elementary School – School Year 2024-25 – After School 2 Days
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