Youth Development 2 min read

Walk & Roll to School Day

By wpdev

Walk, Roll, or Scoot to School 

As a parent in San Francisco, I know first hand the struggle to get out the door. Every morning is a whirlwind of preparation- with each step challenged by a miniature antagonist and a sleep-addled brain. Put on socks, remember the lunchbox, keys, jacket, where’s my wallet?!?

Luckily there is help out there! Your Y of San Francisco is one of the organizations that makes up the Safe Routes to Schools Partnership, who’s goal is to help ease your morning commute, and make it easier to take time to connect with your kids and even get a little exercise before school/work. This year we’re working towards establishing “Walk & Roll Hub’s” throughout the city, which is an alternative drop-off location nearby your school, generally at a park or playground. From there your kid can walk or scoot to school with trusted adults like other parents, school staff, or volunteers.

Even if you don’t live near one of our already-established Walk & Roll Hubs, you can still join some friends for International Walk & Roll to School Day, which happens each year on the 1st Wednesday in October (that’s right, it’s today, October 4, 2017!). Almost every school in the city is signed up to participate, so there’s bound to be someone to walk, bike or scoot with you. Check to see if your school is signed up at, or sign up for the new Kid Carpool App (IOS/Android) to connect with families who take a similar route to school.

Hope to see you out there!

– Matt