Active Older Adult

Find new friends and new opportunities at the Y. Join us for the fun as we explore the beauty of Bay Area parks, gain an in-depth look at the culture of San Francisco’s esteemed museums, theaters, and historic buildings, and enjoy luncheons at local restaurants. The AOA Program provides the chance for seniors to keep active and grow in spirit, mind and body. It also provides wellness, social activities, luncheons and trips for adults ages 50 and older.

*Updates on these events may change due to CDC and SF Health Departments. Please stay tuned and contact Paulette if you have any questions or concerns.

2020 Trips:

11:15-5:00pm Take a bus ride with us down to the horse tracks. You can enjoy a lunch buffet while you watch the race at Golden Gate Fields in Berkley.


It's a perfect day to eat food from south of the boarder, and friends to eat and drink with. What else is Cinco de Mayo for?!


Ready for baseball season?! Lets get into the spirit together in the stadium. You won’t want to miss out on this Giants game!



  • Beethoven Symphony Orchestra
  • The Band Visit musical
  • AOA Picnic (July)
  • Mean Girls

Be your own best medicine

Through the YMCA Wellness programs, we can help you to be your own best medicine. At the Y, our wellness programs are aimed towards specific conditions such as cancer, arthritis, and diabetes prevention. Our small-group settings provide a safe, motivating environment and our professionally trained staff offer unlimited support to help you learn new skills that can ease unwanted symptoms and help delay disease progression. Contact us at (650) 294-2614 and we’ll guide you through finding the right program for you and your unique conditions.

Click here to see our Best Medicine handout.